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Ecommerce Image Optimization Techniques to Try Right Away for Generating Maximum Sales

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Ecommerce Image Optimization Techniques to Try Right Away for Generating Maximum Sales

For many ecommerce business owners, attracting shoppers to their online store is the ultimate goal. However, converting your website traffic to leads and convincing them to make a purchase is the actual success. When it comes to online shopping, the competition is fierce and there are plenty of options available for shoppers. Ecommerce stores are advised to provide better visual content to drive maximum website engagement.

Ecommerce websites are packed with product images – approximately 60% to 80% of website content is imaged based. Under optimized images can slow down the speed of your ecommerce website and drive shoppers to abandon the site. A survey suggests that more than 45% of shoppers don’t make a purchase, if the ecommerce site loads slowly.

This is why every ecommerce business owner strives hard to make product images easily accessible without slowing down the website speed. Image optimization is also important for driving more website traffic and driving more conversions.

Thanks to the advanced ecommerce image optimization techniques that can create an awesome ecommerce UX for shoppers. Let’s explore why product image optimization is important for your ecommerce store and some useful image optimization tips to generate more ecommerce sales.

 Image Optimization for Your Ecommerce Store

Whether you are selling clothing and fashion accessories or furniture and home décor items, image optimization is important for every ecommerce store. Reducing the size of your product images is a sensible strategy to increase page loading time while increasing the chances of ranking higher in image search engines. The best part of image optimization is that it doesn’t affect the quality of images.

Image optimization ensures your ecommerce website looks awesome on mobile and desktop both. By maintaining a perfect balance among compression level, image file size, image height and width, you can efficiently reduce the image size.

Unoptimized images can increase the webpage weight which will create a negative impact on your website performance. Product image optimization is also good for your ecommerce web design, in fact, every web design company should incorporate this important step into their ecommerce design strategy. If done right, product image optimization can skyrocket your sales.

Here are some major benefits of following ecommerce image optimization hacks:

  • Increasing your website loading time
  • Provide a better shopping experience
  • Reduce the bounce rate
  • Drive more traffic to your ecommerce store
  • Improve your search engine rankings
  • Drive more engagement and conversions
  • Increase your site’s position in Google image search

Image Optimization Techniques for Your Ecommerce Website

Reducing the size of images has become easier with these simple and easy image optimization techniques. If you want to ensure the optimum performance of your website, follow these easy ecommerce image optimization hacks. A web design company in Dubai can better guide you on how to optimize your ecommerce website, implement the latest technologies and get maximum sales.

1. Use the Right File Format

When it comes to image optimization, choosing the right file format is the key. There are different image file formats available, such as PNG, JPEG, GIFs, JPEG, WebP files – to name a few. Keep in mind that the file format can affect the file size, therefore, it is advised to make a well-informed decision. According to many marketing experts, JPEG is the perfect file format for ecommerce websites as it can maintain the quality of images while reducing the size of images.

2. Use the Correct Size of Images

Choosing the right size for your ecommerce store images is the key to image optimization. Shoppers wait for 3 to 5 seconds to load a site quickly and heavy image files make your page slow. Picking the right width to height ratio can create a unified experience for mobile and desktop screens.

3. Name Your Images

Using a proper, keyword-rich file name for your images is good for image SEO and help your product page rank higher on search engines. Name your product images appropriately as it helps Google understand what the image is all about. Search engines crawl image file names, if your image has relevant, helpful keywords, it will definitely improve the on-page SEO and increase page rankings.

4. Choose the Product Angle Wisley

Every ecommerce marketer should carefully consider the shape and silhouette of a product. Using the right product angle is critically important to help shoppers understand its intended use. Using 360-degree images is also a new trend many retailers are adopting so that shoppers can see what the product looks like from multiple angles.

5. Compress Images Efficiently

High-quality compression is essential for your ecommerce product images to shrink images of your online store. Thanks to different tools, such as Short Pixel, reducing the file size has become possible without losing the image quality. Whether lossy, glossy, or lossless compression, you can easily compress your product images and maintain a perfect balance between a top-notch image quality and optimization.

6. Optimize Alt Attributes

Alt attributes are basically the text used to describe the image and increase SEO value of your website. Incorporating alt attributes that contain helpful, relevant keywords into your ecommerce product images will display your images in Google image and web search both. So, add alt attributes to all product images. Don’t stuff keywords, as search engines may penalize your site for over optimization. Describe the images in simple language and use a relevant keyword to understand the context.

7. Use Image Sitemaps

Harnessing the power of image sitemap is a sensible choice for ecommerce business owners as it will help Google to notice your product images. Basically, search engine crawlers find it difficult to crawl images that have no specific source code. Listing their location in the image sitemap can help crawlers identify your images and help Google crawl them.

8.Consider Mobile Users

There is no denying the fact that a majority of people use mobile devices for online shopping. A survey suggests that approximately 65% of consumers use mobile apps for online shopping. It is surprising to know that around 77% of shoppers use mobile devices during instore shopping. So, being an ecommerce marketer, you can’t ignore the importance of mobile shoppers. You should optimize photos for mobile devices to offer a memorable shopping experience.

Final Thoughts

Product images are the most important content for your ecommerce website. Image optimization may seem an intimidating task. With careful consideration and useful ecommerce image optimization hacks, ecommerce marketers can generate more traffic to their websites. Optimized product images will increase the page loading speed, maximize user engagement, improve SERP rankings and drive more ecommerce sales.

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